During lunch, one of the parents asked me a question. Their child's pediatrician had told them that if a kid is having a fit in a store, you should let them. Just go about your shopping, ignoring them and let them scream and yell. The reasoning was that the child learns that no matter how big a fit they throw, the parent will not yield and the child won't get his way. The question then was what I thought about that.
My reaction was ... Wow, really? Though that's not really an answer. Now keep in mind this is my take on it but to me this sounds pretty ridiculous. I would take my child out of the store or arrange a "strategic learning opportunity" as they teach in the class. The reason is I want my child to learn that throwing tantrums, whether in a store or at home is not acceptable behavior. Allowing them to behave that way even if they don't get their way sends the wrong message.
Has anyone else heard of such wild advice?
Again, thanks to all who gave up their Saturday to learn how to be a better parent and have some fun in the process. If you or someone you know would be interested in attending a future class, send us an email or leave a comment and we will let you know when the next one will be. Right now we are trying to decide if we should squeeze one in November or wait until January.
Thanks for reading!