Friday, November 21, 2014


As the holidays sneak up on us, it is a good time to remember what we have and be grateful for it.  

It's also a wonderful time to practice being better parents with our kids!  For better or worse, the consumer society we live in creates an almost automatic, and limitless, opportunity.  As kids see all the ads in newspaper and on TV for new toys and games, they can easily get drawn in to the entitlement game.  So what is a parent to do?  Here are a few suggestions:

1)  Model the behaviour you want your kids to learn.  This is sometimes actually harder than it sounds. But can you really expect them to do something you are not willing to do yourself?  So be grateful for what you have and be joyful this season.  The benefit of this idea is it actually helps you AND your children!

2)  Try out that "strategic learning opportunity" you've always thought about.  If you've read anything about Parenting the Love and Logic Way™, you know about the SLO.  Shock and awe your kids and fellow shoppers at the mall/store this holiday season with a well executed plan that would make Navy Seals proud.

3)  Let your kids help with buying for other family members and friends.  Give them a budget for each person and go through the ads with them.  Let them come up with ideas for gifts.  Better yet, get them to contribute financially from their allowance or piggy bank.  It's not the size of the gift but the thought behind it and teaching kids to handle money is always a winning idea.

4)  Take the opportunity to volunteer at homeless shelter, food bank, or other charity with your kids.  Helping those less fortunate is a great way to teach compassion and love for others.

Have a great holiday season!