Tuesday, February 10, 2015


 2015 is well under way and we've all had time to make and break our New Year's resolutions.  But seriously, the great thing about learning is it's never too late.  Any great success story is built on someone who kept going or recommitted themself to a task.  Parenting is no different and is a lesson to share with our children.

If you fell off the L&L wagon over the holidays, pick one strategy and start using it again.  Get in the habit of thinking ahead so you can be good and ready to smile and say "don't worry, I'll take care of it".  The  nice thing about chronic problems is they're chronic.  You know they will happen over and over, so be ready next time.

Think about what lessons your kids can learn through a little struggle.  Whiile it's tough to watch our kids deal with something in the moment, I feel much better about their future when they succeed and smile, and say "Look!  I did it".  Letting them build confidence through struggle prepares them for the time when they truly have to take care of themselves.

Happy belated New Year!